Our Impolite Cosmic Postcard

In the early 1970s, we sent two spacecraft to explore the gas giants of the Solar System. These were Pioneer 10 and 11.
However, even before their launch, we knew that their journey would not stop at the planets in our system; Jupiter's strong gravity would propel them into interstellar space.
That's why it would be a shame not to send a postcard with them, just in case they encounter any curious beings along the way.
This is the story of that brilliant, controversial, visionary, and audacious postcard.
This film is currently available only in Croatian, but if you want to take a look, here it is:
Documentary Short
Croatian title: Nepristojna svemirska razglednica
Year: 2023
Runtime: 13m
Written, Directed & Animated by Ratimir Rakuljic
Produced by Monika Rakuljic & Ratimir Rakuljic